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Legend Lantern·Appearing at the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum!
Release Time :2024 . 02 . 02 Number Of Views :734 From : Back To List

The "Dinosaur themed Lantern Festival" designed and produced by Zigong Legend Lantern Festival Co.Ltd officially debuted at the China Arts and Crafts Museum and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum today! This lantern exhibition combines the two distinctive cultural elements of Zigong -lantern and dinosaur. Using lantern as a carrier, it will present the unique dinosaur species unearthed in Zigong, leading the audience into the world of dinosaur and lantern in Zigong!


This lantern Festival combines lantern, silk carving, sculpture, simulation, and special silk cocoon craftsmanship to showcase the beauty of Zigong Lantern craftsmanship, tell dinosaur story in Zigong, and convey Zigong Lantern culture!

In the new year, follow the lanterns in order and follow the light.Zigong Legend Lantern Festival Co.Ltd adheres to the concept of "upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground,inheriting and promoting", and continues to create a wonderful feast of Zigong Lantern for you!
